Obwohl das Jamboree von 1979 abgesagt wurde, gibt es doch einen Jamboree-Song mit dem Titel “We pass the road”.
Interpretiert wird er hier vom Pfadfinderchor MTA 62 unter der Leitung von Joachim Adamczewski.
The Spirit lives on (16th World Jamboree, Alberta, Canada 1983)
1. Strophe
The Spirit lives on and we’re stronger than ever before
We’re bigger today and tomorrow we’re going to be more
We can’t keep it in got to shout, sing it out in a song
We’re growing all over the world The Spirit lives on.
The Spirit lives on like a big yellow sun watch it shine
Touching the world and touching the thoughts in our minds
Shining for ever wherever The Spirit is strong
Shining for you and for me The Spirit lives on.
2. Strophe
We’re proud of our past and it feels like we’ve only begun
It only gets better the longer and stronger we run
With faith at the start and God in our hearts and our song
Everyone knows when it shows The Spirit lives on.
3. Strophe
We’re seventy-five and we’re one at the World-Jamboree
Busting with pride as we sing to the mountains and trees
Together we stand sharing the land and our song
Come to the World Jamboree The Spirit lives on.